When Two Worlds Collide

I have been blogging for a little while now, but I didn't realize till today that I treat my blog and what I write here as somewhat separate from everything else. What I mean is, my blog has existed for me on some completely separate planet.  It's where I go when I want to share, drool over all the creativity out there, get inspired, or just connect to people I wouldn't otherwise have have the opportunity or time to.

So it was quite interesting bumping into Debbie while walking around H&M during my lunch break. She reads my blog and recognized me, and I'm just going to apologize to her right now, I was caught off guard and away from planet blog. I really didn't know what to say besides thanks thanks thanks, smile smile smile.  I know some bloggers do alot of meetups or events etc, something I haven't gotten into yet.
Debbie, if I didn't manage to get this out, it was very nice meeting you.  More importantly, thank you so much for reading.

I really appreciate every single one of my readers and it really felt nice to know that the two worlds are closer than I thought. 

Like a Boy


Tee Woods