ONE: Thanks
Real Simple Mag for letting me know that Target is releasing an uber affordable set of brass flatware. Not quite
the gold I wanted, but who's complaining at this price.
TWO: One of my fav bloggers- have followed her since forever was so kind and sweet and featured me, its kinda a big deal to me, she has no idea. Please head on over to The FeistyHouse, mainly to just check Krystal out. It's really not about me.
Krystal Knight of TheFeistyHouse |
THREE: I might be late on this, but I just found out that to celebrate their new site,
J.Crew Factory is having 30-40% OFF Everything, and I mean NEW arrivals and all.
FOUR: Many people email me questions about blog designs and such. I can honestly say, I had alot of help in that area and these days I just ask the hubby to handle most of it, as playing around with headers, image sizes, borders etc can be time consuming. So for all those who still need help, you should check out MerelyMarie. She's not just a blogger, she's also pretty fab at blog designs.
LAST: but not least, I think I am giving up on multi-tasking after burning my last 2 home cooked dinners. My poor mum must be shaking her head if she's reading this. I almost forgot about last night's mishap until I returned home this evening and was welcomed by the still somewhat present scent of burnt pot (as in cooking pot, get your minds out of ...). So on that note, I'm going to go make something to eat, and this time, I'm gunning for edible. CIAO!!