Pardon the Interruption


In support of Independent Artists

La Otra Frontera- Trailer from La Otra Frontera on Vimeo.In the spirit of this blog and supporting independent artists, I just wanted to spread the word, as much as I can about a project that has been very near and dear to a good friend of mine. I don't think my words can do this project justice, so I'll let her words speak.

What prompted you to make this film?
JB: I wanted to show my husband the beaches where I spent my childhood, so we took a map, rented a car, and traced the coast of Higuey (eastern coast of the Dominican Republic). I was surprised to see the best beaches were walled in as part of hotels. We only had access to fishermen’s beaches, and those were obviously geared towards fishing... I still have that map. I called up my cousin Yohanna in Los Angeles, she’s a journalist, and I presented her the idea of doing a documentary on public access to beaches in Dominican Republic, and we went from there. This is my first documentary.

What were some of the challenges and obstacles in producing this film, and how did you overcome them?
JB: We had no experience so we had to research, read books about documentaries, speak with filmmakers, take workshops to learn how to put together a decent documentary. Our first challenge was the technical aspect, and we overcame that with practice.
YB: Another obstacle was funding. We spent our own money in the film. We reached out to lots of people, organizations and foundations, but I guess the issue wasn’t marketable, or maybe we didn’t have enough experience to be awarded the funds. We overcame the funding obstacle by working jobs we hated, and saving anyway we could.

To find out more on:

And if you're in Boston area: They were officially selected for the Boston Latino Film Festival

Sat, dec 4th 2010 - 9pm

Zumix Firehouse auditorium
260 sumner st.
Boston, MA 02128

Let's support each other's efforts.  Especially the good stuff.


Today's Crave


What a difference a scarf makes