Hello Again

Let me re-introduce myself, my name is .....Ok that sounds a little too much like a JayZ track. I've been off the blog for a little while, just trying to get it to look cleaner and I also made quite the change by renaming the blog. You see, while I am still addicted2etsy, this blog has evolved over time and I just wanted the freedom that comes with naming the blog after myself. I can talk about all the many things I love and am involved with, without feeling like I let go of the original point of this blog. I still love Etsy and will continue to support and promote those independent artisans, but like most in things in life....CHANGE Happens and Change is GOOD.

It's still the same old me.

UPDATE: how could I forget? my lovely new banner, titles and buttons were designed by the lovely 733designs.


Now Listening: Missy Higgins


The OLYMPICS are coming