It's been a long time since we last had a Giveaway with a Seller Feature.
I am extremely happy that Toronto native Cheryl Seung, the amazingly talented jewelry owner and designer of CSfootprints has decided to sponsor this giveaway for my readers.
 I think you guys are in for a treat.

First things first, lets meet Cheryl and learn more about her and her jewelry shop CSfootprints.
Meet Cheryl
So, when did you start selling on Etsy and Why Etsy?
I started selling on Etsy not too long ago in December of 2011. 
In fact, I'm considered a newbie! I have always loved shopping on Etsy for unique finds as a buyer, and thought about joining the community by becoming a seller. 
So when I started making jewelry, I knew Etsy was the first place that I knew I would fit in. 
It's been a blast too!
Is this a full time gig for you?

No, in fact I am a full-time chemical engineer for a chemical company. However, I feel like my jewelry making is also like another full-time job by how much time, passion and work I put into it. 
I pretty much come home from work and start my job as a jewelry designer and maker. 
It's alot of work and it's very time consuming, but I am the happiest I've ever been. 

How do you manage to find time to do everything? 
And when/why did you decide to do have this as a 2nd gig?

Working 8 to 5 and incorporating business travels in between while maintaining an online jewelry line has been tough. However, my customers have been very patient and cooperative and whenever I am backed up with orders, I always let them know and they always appreciate the heads up. I carry my Iphone with me everywhere so customers can easily reach me through Etsy or emails and I am able to keep up to date with all of my orders on the go. I wanted to be a jewelry maker as a 2nd gig as soon as I learned how to make jewelry from an artist in downtown Toronto. I fell in love with the process which allowed me to combine my love for art and my background in engineering. I have always had to do something with my hands and I seriously cannot sit still. I feel like I have been looking for that one passion to consume the rest of my time other than my day job and I have found it. Working on orders and new designs are therapeutic for me after a long day at work. 
If I could only buy one thing from your shop right now, which would you recommend?

Any of my geo pendants (diamond, tetrahedron or orb) are definitely a fun accessory. 
I love wearing them  alone or paired with another necklace and I also made them into rings. 

What was first piece you ever made/sold?

When I was learning how to make jewelry, I had decided to remake a ring that my boyfriend bought me that I had loved dearly and lost. Since then, I realized that I had the freedom of designing my own style of jewelry that I knew I would wear and that other people might like to wear as well. 
My first piece that I sold on Etsy was my Bubble Ring in sterling silver 
and I still wear mine to work all the time.
What are your plans for the future?

I plan to expand my work area and purchase many more equipment that would help me make more jewelry. I am currently looking into building my own work bench which should be a fun project to work on. 
There are many talented artists in the area that offer workshops for a specific area in jewelry making and I am always looking out for these to expand my knowledge as well. 
I also definitely would love to participate more in these types of giveaways because I truly support bloggers such as yourself who help promote new jewelry designers. (YEAH ME!!! and all of you guys)

Do you have a workspace? If so, can you share what it looks like? 

I do have a workspace, and it's my entire studio apartment. 

When I say entire, I really mean, the whole space has been taken over with all of my jewelry work. 

Where else can we find your goodies? 

You can always follow me on my blog at as well as follow updates on my Facebook and Twitter. I have not yet expanded to stores because I needed to maintain the volume of orders that I have right now which is what I can handle at the moment. I am interested in participating in some art craft shows next summer and possibly collaborating with some fellow artist friends but that is still in the works. 

Now for some fun complete these sentences

I can't get through the day without coffee and checking out my Instagram feed. I am in love with Instagram and I'm currently building an album with all of my pictures in it.
I'm currently reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. It's an extremely long book but I am determined to finish it. 
My favorite song is .... I love Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am". That song always make me feel warm and fuzzy.
I'm lusting after the geometric terrariums by Score and Solder. Drool...
My dream vacation would be a backpacking trip in Europe with my boyfriend. 
And as always I'm a brunch fanatic- Any local (Toronto) brunch recommendations...for when I make it over there:
I fell in love with a teeny tiny brunch place called Zocalo in the Junction. The owner is great and you can smell the flavors as soon as you walk in. It's far from where I live, but I never regret making the effort to venture out there to feast on their deconstructed sandwiches. I am salivating just thinking about it.

Well, thats that.
I hope you all enjoyed learning more about Cheryl and her work as much as I did. 
I always think its super impressive when people find a way to carve out the time 
and make the extra effort to do something they are really passionate about. 
I hope this inspires all you out there trying to do your own thing; start your own business.
I wish for Cheryl, continued and increased success. 
Her stuff is fab and she's a super cool chic as well.

Now here's how you can get your hands on some of her jewelry:

1) Visit Csfootprints Etsy Shop and click on the Facebook Like Button
2) Leave a comment on this post.
NOTE: All giveaways open to followers only, so please FOLLOW
Last Entry accepted on Friday, May 18th @ NOON EST.
Winner will be announced Friday, May 18th @5:00pm EST.
Winner selected using random number generator.



Weekend Eats


One wedding, One christening and a Mothers day.