There’s something so special about smell, it brings about memories, it brings about a feeling, it sets the mood. Sweet cotton candy takes me back to summers at the fair, the smell of fresh baked bread and I’m back in college – the Paris years, and the smell after the rain, well that just makes me happy.

So many of my memories are associated with a scent. Growing up, my mum would travel a lot for work, I remember so vividly going to her room and hugging her pillow or wrapping myself in her scarf- anything to make her feel closer. She laughs every time I tell her that story- she had no idea how much I missed her and how comforting it was to have her scent. At the time I didn’t understand that the scent I was so attached to was my moms scent- it smelt of oranges, of tangerines, of clementines and all things happy and citrusy.

Which is why I’ve always been looking for that perfect citrus scent, a scent that will stay with me not just in the moment but bring back memories, memories from childhood, memories of happiness, memories of love. It’s no surprise that I turned to Sephora, the one place that has an extensive selection of beauty products with a focus on niche fragrances.  Sephora made my search even easier as they have already done half the work by presenting a perfectly curated selection of niche fragrances which you can search for by fragrance family, be it floral, fresh, woody, or warm and spicy.

Atelier Cologne Clementine California Cologne Absolute Pure Perfume is one scent I know will stay with me for more than just this season. The first thing I noticed was the sweet clementine citrus.  It smells light, sunny, and happy, like optimism. Bringing an unintended smile to my face and immediate warmth to my heart. Within a few minutes, it reveals itself as so much more, the star anise and spicier pepper comes through, while the warmer sandalwood stays with me throughout the day. I think I’ve finally found a way back to some of my best memories, my favorite moments – oh the things a scent can do- a scent that stays with you, memories that energize, inspire and move you. Find your very own niche fragance.


